To develop student skills through this unique hands-on experience, Cal Poly Racing requires the generous support of industry partners.
Our designs are evaluated at competitions for performance, innovation, and market potential. To excel in these categories, Cal Poly Racing has become more than just a team of engineers. We operate like a business, bringing together students from many disciplines to develop engineering, project management, finance, and marketing skills. This makes our members assets to the workforce from day one.
We seek to build mutually beneficial relationships with our partners, who support us by contributing materials, knowledge, or services. In return, we offer partners increased brand recognition and networking opportunities with our talented student members.
Corporations, small businesses, and individuals can all make meaningful contributions to our efforts. All donations are tax-deductible.
Equipment and Service Donations: Due to our extensive in-house production, we have a great need for new and used machine shop equipment and tools. In addition, we require services such as advanced machining, powder coating, and heat treating.
Technical Insight: We utilize technical insight to help improve the design, manufacturing, and testing of our vehicles. As students, we value the learning experience that being part of a racing team provides, and greatly appreciate partners who choose to share their knowledge with us.
Monetary Support: We accept monetary donations. Contributions can be targeted to a specific team purchase or general use.
Includes Platinum level benefits plus:
• Banner display at competitions
• Feature article on our website
• Shout out on social media account
• Large sized company logo or personal name on our vehicle(s)
Includes Gold level benefits plus:
• Large size company logo or personal name on our vehicle(s)
• Individual feature on all social media channels
Includes Silver level benefits plus:
• Medium size company logo or personal name on vehicle(s)
• Direct access to the Cal Poly Racing resume book
• Individual networking session with our team
Includes Bronze level benefits plus:
• Small company logo or personal name on vehicle(s)
• Company logo on Cal Poly Racing website
• Small company logo on apparel
• Social media shout-out
Cal Poly Racing also depends on the support of our incredible friends, families, and alumni for materials, travel costs, and everything else that goes into designing, building, and competing. As a student club, we don’t make a profit from our vehicles, nor are we paid to build them. Your support is what makes it possible for us to do something we love. If you’d like to make a monetary donation directly to Formula SAE, Baja SAE or the team in general please see the link below.